Let me open this blog with the post about the very beginning showing here these colourful pictures painted by me having had just crept out of the cradle - times when I was learning how to hold a spoon and a pen.

Now looking my earliest pictures I am surprised to notice how deep beauty standards were incepted into our minds before we grow up and learn about body-positivism...

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I was born with the knowledge that blonds are more popular than brunets. I even depicted my mom as a blondie although she has always had deep chestnut hair-colour. The girl, I knew, should have round blue eyes, tiny nose, small red lips, long blond hair, be dressed stylish. Here I am puzzled on why I chose that colourful printed maxi-dress with A-rock for my model, but there were even more weird times in the history of fashion…

I can’t help mentioning that I am pleased to notice that already in such early works like this one one can see the tradition of great masters who painted royal families, princes, dukes paying their utmost attention on the decoration of the dresses… Or even their horses (echoed with my four ponies dancing in beams of sun…)

Exhibition in Roccart Gallery, Florence

This has happened by itself. Fabio Rocca the owner of a gallery in Florence found me on Instagram and made me an offer I could not refuse. So voila my four pictures were sent to Florence and I travelled there myself for the Vernisage...

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